There are tons of races to train for ranging from those on the track to a marathon. I'm currently training for one on May 1 in Chicago. I've been training for the past 6 months for this one particular 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles).
Of course I've done other smaller races along the way as check points to see how I'm progressing throughout.
For beginner runners select a 5K to train for a couple of months down the road. Then once you complete that race select another one to try your hand out, and aim to improve upon the time you ran in the previous race. Keep this up until you feel like endeavoring on a new adventure and challenge yourself at an 8K or 10K road race. Then try a half or a full marathon!
Just as in life you can't expect to be able to run 10 miles or even 5 miles right off the bat. It takes discipline, time, effort, and will power to improve upon your running abilities. Don't get discouraged if you have a bad race or a training one here and there, everyone goes through slumps. When this happens the easiest and most powerful remedy for this is to have a short term memory and aim for the next race or run.
Chicago running! It would be really useful to include links to some of those races. Could you do that? Could you maybe do some posts that tell how each race is different?