Friday, April 8, 2011

Mixing It Up

When training for a race run on all sorts of terrain from concrete to grass to dirt trails.  Mixing up where you train will save your legs and help prevent shin splints and other injuries associated with ONLY running on concrete.  Even though the shoes today absorb a lot of the initial shock when your foot strikes the ground you're still asserting 4X your body weight with each stride which takes a toll on your body.

This past month I feel my body breaking down a bit, and feeling more and more sore each day due to the intense training I've been putting in.  Although, since I've been running on trails and grass a couple of times a week at least I've been avoiding any serious injuries.

There are tons of trails around and grassy areas to run at, just do a little wondering and you'll stumble upon them.

Below is a picture of a runner striking the ground in stride.  You can see the amount of tension and force traveling throughout his entire leg.  This is why you need to make sure to have proper running shoes and run on grass and other softer surfaces when running.   

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