Monday, April 18, 2011

Speed Workouts- Intervals

The majority of training regiments for 1/2 to full marathons involve building a solid base with running many miles.  When your race is coming up, about 2-3 weeks away, incorporate speed workouts such as intervals.

Interval training can range from repeat 400's to repeat miles or whatever you decide upon.  For longer races intervals should be at least 800's to repeat miles because 1/2 and full marathons are long races which you don't necessarily need a kick 400 meters out, but rather kicking a mile or two away from the finish.

Today I began my speed interval training with 5 x mile repeats at 5:30 pace per mile which is a bit faster than my pace I want to go for my half which is around 5:40-45 pace.  Running intervals faster than your race pace is beneficial so you can build quicker leg turn-over and speed. 

Tip: The first couple of intervals aren't so bad and feel pretty easy, but DON'T run faster than your pace you set for yourself because it will come back and bite you the last couple of intervals 9 out of 10 times.  Trust me, it's happened to me many times and I'm still trying to run those first couple of intervals at my correct pace.  You can always kick it up a notch or two the last couple if you're feeling it that day.

If you have any concerns or questions on interval training check out this link:   Interval Training

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